Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) has officially launched a new program to connect seniors with youth.
As alluded to in an article in the Jan. 31 issue of the River Town Times, one of the new programs being launched is a pen pal program where school children write letters to local seniors. ACS says it has secured at least one school thus far to participate in its new program “Friends with Pens.”
Students from Colchester North Public School will write letters approximately four times a year. ACS volunteers will handle the pick-up and delivery of the letters to seniors.
This pen pal program is designed to give the elementary school students the opportunity to work on their letter writing skills and develop a friendship and/or relationship with their senior pen pals.
ACS views the new “Friends with Pens” program as “a positive way to make a connection in your community, in the comfort of your own home.”
"This program was developed with the support of their teacher Sandra Fields to develop their literacy skills,” said ACS executive director Kathy DiBartolomeo.
DiBartolomeo added she hopes the "outcomes will positively reinforce the excitement for the students to receive their own mail. The intent is to foster relationships and conversations between the students and their older adult pen pals. Building connections beyond the classroom is another goal of the program"
The executive director added that ACS is “very excited to spearhead this pen pal program and can't wait to see where it leads.”
Anyone interested in participating in the “Friends with Pens” program can call ACS at 519-736-5471.
By RTT Staff
New pen pal program officially launched by ACS