It was a big day on Sunday (and Monday) for Kathleen “Kay” Bertrand.
Kathleen was recognized on the occasion of her 100th birthday during a party in her honour at Age Care Royal Oak retirement home in Kingsville. She was a life-long Amherstburg resident before entering a retirement home, first at Harrowood and now at Age Care Royal Oak. The party was Sunday with her actual birthday being Monday (Jan. 6).
“I’m enjoying this so much,” said Kathleen.
Kathleen joked the best part was “I don’t have to get up and do a dance.” She said she didn’t think she would make it to 100-years-old, but her father Walter Bebbington celebrated his 100th birthday in 1990 before passing away just shy of his 101st birthday in 1991.
While Kathleen was unsure of the secret of her longevity, family members noted she eats a banana a day. Her faith was also attributed as a factor in her longevity.
“It’s special, very special,” she said.
Kathleen said she enjoyed seeing all of her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
“They are special,” she said.
“She always tells me she takes it one day at a time,” said daughter Linda Bertrand.
Linda said Kathleen lived next door to her father and recalled Kathleen helping her father in the garden. Linda’s grandfather would leave fruits and vegetables at the road for those who needed it.
“She is just like her dad,” said Linda.
Linda said her grandfather was a veteran and member of Royal Canadian Legion Br. 157.
“He worked at General Chemical, was a crossing guard and a truant officer,” said Linda. “He worked until his 70s. (Kathleen) is like a carbon copy of her dad.”
Kathleen worked at the Dairy Bar on Ramsay St. in the 1940’s then moved on to Jimmy Gowing’s Meat Market on Dalhousie St. From there, she worked at Balla’s Shoes. In the 1960’s, she worked at Speck’s Restaurant then worked from 1969-79 at Rocco’s Fine Foods.
“She had four children, ten grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren,” said Linda.
Many of those family members were at the 100th birthday party.
Essex MPP Anthony Leardi presented Kathleen with a framed certificate from Premier Doug Ford. The certificate pointed out that she was marking an “extraordinary milestone” and able to look back with fond memories. It was a way to celebrate her living her life “the right way.” Both Leardi and Ford wished her a happy birthday.
Mayor Michael Prue and Councillor Diane Pouget represented the Town of Amherstburg. Prue said it was a privilege for them to be there.
“We don’t get these opportunities nearly enough,” said Prue.
Prue noted he wore his chain of office, stating it can be worn for milestone celebrations, meeting special people and those who are very important, and that Kathleen’s birthday celebration filled those criteria. They presented her with a certificate from the town.
Essex MP Chris Lewis pinned Kathleen with a King’s Coronation Medal and also gave her a certificate. Lewis indicated Kathleen had done something special and touched so many lives over her 100 years. She helped make other lives better, he added.
“It’s an honour to be here today,” said Lewis. “Kay, you are amazing.”
Milestone birthday celebrated for long-time Amherstburg resident
By Ron Giofu