I’m a proud resident of Amherstburg and I don’t want this Town to become unaffordable to live in. It is important to remain competitive if we’re going to attract new and retain our remaining industries. Council will be deliberating soon on the 2025 municipal budget, I have some concerns about the direction our beautiful municipality is heading. I recognize that there are many financial problems that exist that need to be addressed by this council and there will always be a list of wants from our special interest groups that need to be considered. It is imperative our council begin reversing the direction they are heading of increasing taxes, water and sewage rates yearly.
Currently, the Amherstburg has the highest rates for water and sewage services in the County of Essex surpassing Windsor. The minimum annual cost of water and sewage for a residence in Amherstburg is $1,364.88.
I have provided an apple-to-apple summary comparing taxes in the other municipalities in Essex County. All municipalities pay the same educational and county tax rates. The total tax rate reflects all the tax rates that a council assesses their residential property owners.
Municipal taxes in Amherstburg for a residential home assessed at $350,000 is $6,393.93, the highest in Essex County. The following is a list of county municipalities, and their census population from lowest to highest taxes;
Lakeshore. Population 40,410. - $4817.69.
Kingsville. Population. 22,119. - $5316.65.
Tecumseh. Population. 23,300. - $5369.93.
Essex. Population 21,216. - $5759.58.
LaSalle. Population 32,721. - $6302.07.
Leamington. Population. 29,680. - $6381.46.
Amherstburg. Population. 23,524. - $6393.93.
Comparing the municipalities with populations sizes ranging between 20,000-25,000 people in the County of Essex, taxes in Amherstburg appear to be about a $1,000 greater.
Part of the problem with this disparity may be the lack of large industries located in our community that would help offset residential taxes, or council may be simply spending too much money for the size of our municipality.
It would be in our best interest to become more competitive in our taxes, sewer and water rates so that it can be used as a selling feature for attracting industry and other developments. It will also have the added benefit of being more affordable to our residents on fixed incomes.
—Dan DiGiovanni
Resident compares Amherstburg’s taxes with those from across Essex County