Royal Canadian Legion Br. 157 is fundraising to help maintain their building.
One fundraising event was the all-you-can-eat pasta dinner last Saturday night, with money for that going to replace a dishwasher. Br. 157 president Ernie Gazdig was unable to attend the fundraiser but, based on the feedback he has received, estimates the proceeds to be between $3,000-$4,000.
Gazdig said there is a misconception that funds raised before Remembrance Day can be used for the building, but that money goes into the poppy fund which has a completely different use.
“We can't use that for anything in the building,” he said of the poppy fund. “It's targeted for the military community - present, past and future.”
The new dishwasher is estimated at between $5,000-$10,000, he said, but that is not the only expense Royal Canadian Legion Br. 157 is facing.
“The building is very old,” said Gazdig.
Needs include a new roof, especially on the south end of the building, as well as windows, doors, signage, bathroom renovations, accessibility upgrades to get to the level where the pool tables are, parking lot lighting, and exterior brick work.
The Legion is able to pay their bills, but don't have a ton of cash on hand.
Gazdig said they want to be part of the community and give back to groups through its bingo fund and raffles and want to continue to do that.
“We are not obligated to do that but our goal is to give to the community as a whole,” said Gazdig.
Gazdig estimates they need at least $100,000 for many of their renovation projects and are trying to fundraise for it. Local organizations have already stepped up but they are seeking more groups and individuals to help.
Membership helps, as some of the fees stay local, and Gazdig said veterans and individuals are welcome to attend. Veterans are defined as someone who has military service and has completed basic training, but Gazdig emphasized anyone can join. People don't have to be members to go to the Legion, he added.
“We're always looking for new members,” he said, adding he has brought in about 40 himself.
Those with a military background are eligible for the first year free, as well as their immediate families.
Volunteers are always welcome as well and they help to run the events the Legion presents.
Donations are welcome by stopping in at the branch at 281 Dalhousie St., mailing a cheque or e-transferring a donation to rclbranch157@cogeco.net.
Those contributing money are asked to specify the money is for the building fund.
By Ron Giofu