Our financial future can be bright. With so much unrealized potential, we have been left into the winds of chance with no strong leadership or direction.
Economic development is key to our future wellbeing. In close proximity to Windsor and beyond, McGregor and the expanded Howard Avenue Industrial Park are major assets.
Close to major transportation routes, and the new Gordie Howe bridge soon to open, we will be put right in the middle of a new major commercial hub, attracting investments, changing our surroundings for decades to come.
Strong leadership and proper planning is required. We are part of the Essex County development commission, with no results. We have the option to name our own commission.
In close co-operation with our planning department, we have nothing to lose. Windsor has their own commission with good results. We are in a very competitive business environment and it requires an open mind to adjust to new challenges. The ultimate goal is to build a diverse community with a strong job market, the main of engine of a strong, vibrant community.
Having a vision of where we want to go, and creating a blueprint to get us there is the key. Public consultation is essential, and we cannot be left behind. We are distinctively different from other communities, promoting our assets, too many to list, with a detailed marketing plan on the benefit of doing business in Amherstburg.
We must show a business-friendly culture, and a process for timely decision making. We must assist and advise.
Other communities have started this process, such as Windsor and LaSalle. They are our main competitors. Unlike other communities, we have easy access to the Detroit River and a freshwater port as well as a rail line being complemented with a future parkway to Howard Ave. Our commitments to infrastructure investments will pay dividends. Promoting Amherstburg and McGregor, together or apart, for the benefit of the greater Amherstburg. This has been said before, but repetition is a very effective tool in marketing.
Thank you,
—Frank Cerasa
Creating a blueprint of where we want to go is key