A local company has stepped up to assist the Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Museum at the holiday season.
ABC Technology in Amherstburg is donating money to purchase the turkeys for their Christmas lunch this year and is also donating 32 Christmas food baskets - turkey with all the trimmings - for some our families in need. Representatives from the company were at the mission last Wednesday afternoon to present a cheque valued at $3,250 to mission president Tim McAllister and volunteer board member Jill Kanwischer.
Tim Rebidoux, an employee with ABC Technology, said his wife was a volunteer with the mission and “she told me about it and how Tim is always running around.” He was joined by Doug Shaw and Nathan Salvati at last Wednesday’s cheque presentation.
After talking to plant management, they and the union representing the workers made the presentation. Shaw noted they have made charitable donations since ABC Technologies purchased what was formerly Windsor Mold, and staff were willing to get behind the donation to the mission.
McAllister said the mission was connected with ABC Technologies and made the donation happen.
“I’m excited about the whole situation,” said McAllister.
The mission president was getting worried because as the holiday season gets closer, it means donations have to be found and turkeys have to be purchased for the Christmas dinner. Now, with the donation from ABC Technology, it caused his stress to diminish.
“It makes my sleep come easier,” he said with a smile.
The Christmas turkey dinner is held at 12 noon Dec. 25. It is open to the entire community and free of charge.
The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission is located at 298 Victoria St. S.
For more information, call 519-736-9140 or visit www.aburgmission.ca.
By Ron Giofu
Christmas turkeys sponsored by company