Soccer players were busy getting their skills looked over last weekend at the Libro Centre.
With the Amherstburg Soccer Club (ASC) in the midst of registration, board members and coaches were busy scouting the incoming house league talent that has already signed up for the 2024 season. The ASC’s annual assessment day was held last Saturday on the Libro Centre’s turf field.
“We think we’ve got it down pretty good,” said ASC president Nick Cacciato, pointing out it was the third year for assessment day. “It ran pretty smoothly.”
Cacciato explained the day was for house league players to have their skills evaluated so organizers can make teams that are competitive in most age categories. Players in the U4 and U6 age divisions did not participate in assessment day.
“We’re assessing U8 and up,” said Cacciato, adding it goes up to the U18 level.
Soccer players were assessed on passing, dribbling and shooting as they were divided into teams that played ten minute games of three-on-three soccer.
Assessors evaluated the players and will use the information to make the teams.
Cacciato noted attendance was not mandatory at Saturday’s assessment day so the ASC will work with the information they have when creating teams.
There were five volunteers that were assessing the players that turned out.
Amherstburg Soccer Club holds annual assessment day
By Ron Giofu