The fire truck was stuffed and local families were helped.
The Amherstburg Firefighters Association (AFA) has wrapped up its Stuff a Fire Truck toy drive with the toys being picked up last Thursday evening. They sorted the toys in a full day on Saturday and distributed them to local families Sunday morning.
AFA president Cameron Arksey said the final numbers were 73 families and 176 children that were supported.
Donations of gifts were made at Caffeine & Co., Movati, Canadian Tire and Joe Meloche Ford. It is being done in conjunction with Lola’s Pajama Fairy Project, the Windsor Police COAST program and The Big Toy Dump.
“It went really well,” said Arksey. “It went more smoothly in the organization. We had about 20 volunteers help sort the toys.”
Arksey said they thank the drop-off locations and those who made cash or gift card donations. Those include the Richmond Terrace Residents Council, local realtors John D’Alimonte and Kim Wheeler and the Richmond Popcorn Co.
The volunteers were also thanked, with Arksey stating efforts have been better streamlined.
“Like last year, the numbers are going higher and higher,” he said. “We like to see that the residents are matching the need. It’s great to see the community helping other community members out.”
Parents often shake the hands of the firefighters and volunteers who help out, Arksey added, with hugs also being commonplace.
“We hear from parents who are so grateful,” he said. “They know we’ve helped them create magic on the holidays and make them even better.”
Town council were big supporters of the Stuff a Fire Truck campaign, said Arksey, adding the Amherstburg Fire Department and Chief Michael Mio have also been huge supporters.
In the future, the Amherstburg Firefighters Association will focus on the 10-13 age range. Arksey said the older students often get gift cards but it is sometimes tougher to get gifts for youth of that age versus younger children. He said physical gifts are often appreciated by older children as well.
For more on the Amherstburg Firefighters Association, please visit
Amherstburg Firefighters Association aids kids with “Stuff a Fire Truck” toy drive
By Ron Giofu